If you’re reading this, you or someone close to you might be struggling with alcohol. Alcohol dependence can feel overwhelming, with cravings and habits deeply ingrained in the mind and body. At Brisbane South Hypnotherapy, I, Lynne Gardner, an accredited psychotherapist and clinical hypnotherapist, understand how difficult it can be to overcome these challenges alone.
Recent data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reveals that 17% of Australians over 14 years old drink at levels that put them at risk of alcohol-related harm. In Queensland alone, alcohol-related hospitalisations continue to rise, highlighting the urgent need for effective intervention methods.
Alcohol dependency affects not just physical health but every aspect of life – from relationships to career performance. The good news? Hypnotherapy to stop drinking offers a gentle yet powerful solution to break free from these challenges. If you’re searching for a hypnotherapist in Brisbane , look no further than Brisbane South Hypnotherapy for a tailored and effective approach to help you quit alcohol.
Hypnotherapy to stop drinking is a therapeutic practice that uses guided relaxation and focused attention to achieve a heightened state of awareness. This state allows the clinical hypnotherapist to work directly with your subconscious mind, which is where deep-rooted beliefs, habits, and emotions reside. Unlike traditional therapies that work at a conscious level, hypnotherapy gently influences and rewires the subconscious, making it easier to let go of habits like drinking.
As a clinical hypnotherapist, I’ve helped countless clients replace harmful drinking habits with healthier behaviours. With the power of hypnotherapy in Brisbane, you can find the strength to quit drinking, break free from dependency, and live a healthier, more balanced life.